

The Promise

Five languages needed to be managed dramatically: English, Armenian, Turkish, French and German. Leading man Christian Bale (David Nathan) is beautifully supported by Oscar Isaac (Julian Haggege) and Charlotte Le Bon (Jessica Walter-Gabory). This is cinematic art at its best: camera, set design and Location. The story is set in the times of the Armenian Genocide in the Ottoman Empire around 1914. A Must See. In cinemas from August 17th 2017.

Original Title: The Promise
Production Country / Year: USA/Spanien 2017
Director: Terry George
Cast: Oscar Isaac, Charlotte Le Bon, Christian Bale u.a.

Dialogue Director: Torsten Sense
Dialogue Script: Ralf Pel

German Voice Actors: David Nathan (Christian Bale), Julien Haggege (Oscar Isaac), Jessica Walter-Gabory (Charlotte Le Bon) u. a.

