

Olsen Banden på dybt vand

A shaky drilling platform, a worn submarine and three extraordinary Pilseners are at game, while dark clouds are gathering over the North Sea. In order to save Denmark from certain ruin, the gradually dwindling oil reserves have to be multiplied. But the machine that could prevent that is unfortunately in the hands of two ruthless henchmen. The future of the happiest people on earth is in the hands of Egon Olsen and his faithful companions. Best of luck, Denmark!

Original Title: Olsen Banden på dybt vand
Production Country / Year: Denmark 2013
Director: Jørgen Lerdam
Cast: Nicolaj Kopernikus, Martin Buch, Kurt Ravn, Michael Carøe u.a.

Dialogue Director: Mathias Müntefering
Dialogue Script: Mathias Müntefering

German Voice Actors: F. O. Schenk, Jörg Hengstler, Michael Pan, Gerald Schaale u.a.