Outrage Beyond

It’s been five years since Ishihara betrayed his former boss Otomo, thereby putting him in jail. The Sanno-kai syndicate, lead by Ishihara and Kato, has since become the most powerful of all Yakuza clans. But especially the old guard is not amused by their foray into politics and legal businesses. Detective Kataoka wants to put an end to this by sowing the seeds of discord within their own ranks as well as with the Hanabishi-kai clan. He hopes the clans destroy each other that way. With this in mind he also arranges the discharge of the presumably dead Otomo from prison, who now collaborates with his former arch enemy and takes merciless vengeance…

Original Title: Outrage Beyond
Production Country / Year: Japan 2012
Direction: Takeshi Kitano
Cast: Toshiyuki Nishida, Tomokazu Miura, Takeshi Kitano u.a.

Dialogue Direction:
Dialogue Script:

German Voice Actors:

