The Boy

Do you know Brahms? Brahms is the eight year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Heelshire (Jim Norton, Diana Hardcastle). He is in need of especially affectionate attention and care, which he from now on shall receive by the young American Greta (Lauren Cohan). As his new nanny she is given a strict catalogue of rules. But even the catalogue cannot prepare her for the things that actually await her when she starts working in the beautiful mansion: Brahms is a porcelain doll! What Greta initially considered a cruel joke, has to be reconsidered after some rules were violated: The doll has a terrifying live of its own.

Original Title: The Boy
Production Country / Year: USA 2016
Director: William Brent Bell
Cast: Lauren Cohan, Rupert Evans, James Russell  u.a.

Dialogue Director: Torsten Sense
Dialogue Script: Matthias Müntefering

German Voice Actors: Josephine Schmidt (Lauren Cohan), Peter Lontzek (Rupert Evans).